Collection: EDOUARD M.

Painter, French visual artist, living in the south of France. Born in 1978, he revealed himself in the years 2007. Since then his work has been presented in several personal and collective exhibitions in France and abroad: New York, Miami, Paris, St Tropez, Deauville, London, Marseilles. Close to Street Art, at the crossroads of several influences, in particular that of Robert Rauschenberg, the practice of Edouard is influenced by the pop and punk culture of the 80s/90s.

The Collapse Series:The ecological danger and the social emergency are perhaps not fantasies. What if our civilization collapses tomorrow? What if we were ourselves the actors of our own extinction? Edouard presents his Fossil sculptures. His artistic vision of the collapse.Objects of luxury or everyday life, fossilized, they have marked the generations of society, from hyper-consumerism and disposable to its climax. These fossils are a trace of this materialistic civilization where the object acquired a sacred dimension, where the image and the appearance became its only essences.The material used is Saint Leu Stone. During the reign of Louis XIV, when classical architecture arrived, the Pierre de Saint Leu was used to build the most beautiful monuments in Paris and its region. (Palais du Louvre, Chateau de Versailles, Palais Bourbon, Invalides and many others...) The Pierre de Saint Leu is extracted in the open-air quarries of the Oise. It is a limestone rock from the Paris region.